“[Equiterra] comes with a level of experience in the world of Sustainable Design and Building Science that is unmatched in the market place. Hot, dry, humid, cold, wet, modern, LEED, mountains, Caribbean, Mediterranean, contemporary; it just doesn't matter, they will nail the design. They understand construction and building systems that will allow you to build the most durable, sustainable and energy efficient home or building that your budget will allow.
I cannot explain enough the level of experience and knowledge this group brings with them. This alone will not be the reason you want to work with them.... You want to work with them because they listen, they have no ego, did I say they listen, they are timely, professional, and make you feel good about whatever project you work on with them. Do yourself a favor and call [Equiterra] before you start your next project!”
Ryan Ostendorf l Cayman Sustainable Development